Refining Rhetoric
With Robert Bortins
Join Robert Bortins, CEO of Classical Conversations, as he interviews important thought leaders about critical topics in faith, education, business, and culture. Using the fifteen classical tools of learning to steer his conversations, Robert encourages listeners to seek truth in every arena of life.
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Blessings and Motherhood
Blessings and Motherhood is a podcast for moms at all stages of the parenting journey. Each episode is an honest conversation about navigating the ups and downs of motherhood—because we believe you can hold tissues and confetti at the same time. Find encouragement in Scripture, embrace comfort in community, and welcome laughter as you follow hosts Delise Germond and Ginny Tran on their own motherhood journeys.
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Everyday Educator
Discover new resources for your home school, gain practical tips for teaching your children, and stay inspired on your homeschooling journey by listening to Everyday Educator. Hosted by Lisa Bailey, an experienced homeschool mom often joined by Classical Conversations guests, Everyday Educator breaks down the classical model of education into digestible bites. Keep a lookout for Everyday Educator, coming soon wherever you stream podcasts, or listen to the show online.
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Global Homeschool Minute
Global Homeschool Minute aims to equip and encourage families interested in homeschooling outside the United States. Episodes are packed with stories about homeschooling in nations worldwide, advice for navigating the challenges of homeschooling internationally, and opportunities to help make homeschooling a global movement.
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Catalog Articles
Life is busy! Download audio versions of the articles from the Catalog and listen while you’re in the car, working out, or forward an episode to a friend. Includes, “What is Classical Conversations?” “The Need for Community,” “His Grace is Sufficient,” “The Skills to Love Your Neighbor,” and many more articles that will equip and encourage you no matter where you are in your homeschooling journey.
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You’re Their First Teacher. Be Their Best Teacher.
We’re the homeschool program that helps you cultivate an inquisitive, thoughtful child through an intentional, community-based approach. Learning together with families like yours, you’re equipped with the tools and support to teach a Christ-centered worldview that’s rooted in the classical model.
By submitting your information in the box below, you will receive an email with the links to the two free downloadable pdfs, Echo in Celebration by Founder, Leigh Bortins and A Dad’s Guide to Classical Education by CEO, Robert Bortins.