Built on Family—Built for Families
Classical Conversations is a proven Christian homeschool program created by parents for parents. We do this through a Christ-centered and family-friendly approach to homeschooling that makes everything biblical and hospitable, focused on three simple key areas: Classical, Christian and Community.
Our home education program covers K-4 to college credit and includes college degree opportunities for parents, as well. We believe that you are the best educator for your student, and we make the homeschool journey doable. We not only provide you with a consistent roadmap that you can follow at your own pace, but also connect you with a local homeschool community group, giving you accountability and the support of knowing you are not in this journey alone.
From its origins in 1997 with eleven students and parents in the basement of Leigh Bortins’ North Carolina home to proudly serving over 45,000 families now enrolled in its programs spread over 50 countries globally, Classical Conversations always was and always will be about family. The Bortins family has always valued following God’s guidance in teaching other families how to “train up their children in the way that they should go.”
Our Mission
Our mission is to know God and to make Him known. Therefore, we aspire to develop both minds and souls.

Our Vision
Classical Conversations fulfills its mission by curating curriculum, providing services and training parents to build flourishing homeschool communities.
Therefore, our team both practices and is committed to:
- Submitting first our own bodies, minds, and spirits to the work of Christ as we join the great classical conversations of history.
- Supporting licensed homeschooling leaders imitating Christ’s work of reconciliation by serving families pursuing a classical education.
- Encouraging parents to develop the confidence to lead Christ’s natural classroom: the family.
- Challenging entire families to cultivate the art of wisdom through knowledge and understanding.
- Developing curriculum and services which ensure Classical Conversations’ families are equipped to conquer any obstacle in their pursuit of Christ.

Our Beliefs
Our deep-seated beliefs are the constant that shapes not only who we are, but how we approach home education and learning. Since our inception in 1997, Classical Conversations has used this timeless set of beliefs to guide how we interact with families and support learning in homeschool community.
We Believe
- The purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known.
- God trusts parents with their children, and so should we.
- Wrestling with truth promotes blessing and virtue for the whole community.
- Education is the responsibility of the family, with support from fellow believers.
- The support of community enhances our ability to fulfill parental duties.
- The accountability of community both sharpens and humbles its members.
- Classical education embodies the most natural tools of learning.
- Truth is required to inculcate wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
- Classical education prepares us to accept the responsibilities of Christian freedom.
Our Core Values
- Grace in speech: Colossians 4:6
- Humility of mind: Philippians 2:3-4
- Integrity in action: Titus 2:7; Proverbs 11:3
- Diligence in work: Romans 12:11
- Excellence in results: Philippians 1:10; 1 Corinthians 10:31

Meet Our Leaders
Family focused from the beginning.
From its origins in 1997 with 11 teenage boys in the basement of Leigh Bortins’ Winston-Salem home to now filling over 125,000 student seats enrolled in its programs, Classical Conversations always was and always will be about family — the Bortins family following God’s guidance in teaching other families how to “train up [their children] in the way that [they] should do.”
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Community is at our core, with families doing life together as they learn.
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