Have you ever walked into a friend’s living room, where you have been many times, and been surprised to discover that they added some new furniture and rearranged the room? The room feels new and different but keeps the continuity and charm of much that was there before. Things have changed around the Classical Learning Cohort! While we still offer all that we have offered before in our program, we also have some new things to share! We want to be sure we have given every CC family a comfortable chair—a restful place to begin learning— no matter where they are in their educational journey.
We’ve talked about the Classical Learning Cohort before. Members are excited about what we have already been doing.
“The CLC makes me a better listener, more patient, and more discerning in conversation, not just on community day, but every day.” —Allison
“I enjoyed the exchange among like-minded women. The constructive feedback and the positive atmosphere”. —Kirstin
The Classical Learning Cohort has added a few new semesters of learning to our familiar program! Find out more about them and how they have blessed CLC members below.
The Classical Way Semester
In The Classical Way Semester (TCW), TCW member Rebecca felt that the conversation with other moms, where she learned what they were trying or doing in their homes, was rich! Building a tool-belt of ideas in a cohort of parents just like her, guided by a mentor, is exactly what TCW is designed to do.
In fact, TCW is specifically for CC Parents who are new to homeschooling, new to Classical education, or new to CC, and is a great way to get started with a strong foundation. Members receive feedback and ideas from their mentors and fellow cohort members as they try new things from the book Scribblers at Home: Recipes for Lifelong Learning at home. As members share what is working and not working at home, they support each other and give great ideas for how to get started on the right foot.
Focusing on Family Togetherness and Learning
It can feel overwhelming to begin the homeschool journey and to think about leading children of different ages who are learning different things. TCW helps parents focus on family togetherness and learning.
For example, Jilleyn learned how a Family Mission Statement could bring the freedom to know what to spend time on and what to say no to. She is also ready to find the overlaps in her children’s learning and to facilitate more family learning time.
Rebecca learned how families can enjoy praying, playing, reading, exploring, and serving together as her children grow, even if they are not doing all subjects together all of the time. Learning how to intentionally preserve family togetherness at the very beginning of the homeschool journey can set a positive trajectory for years to come.
Preparing for the Future
It is common in the early years of homeschooling to worry that continuing to homeschool will not be possible as the children age because certain subjects parents might have to teach seem out of reach. But, in TCW, members learn how to prepare for what comes next ahead of their children so that they can stay the course through their high school years.
Alicia reports that she learned how to learn anything with her kids! This helps to prepare her for the bigger subjects that are coming as her children age.
Another member said, “We don’t want to produce people who know everything; we want to produce people who can learn anything.”
TCW provides a model for doing that. Because of how TCW teaches families to approach new learning, members say, “Any subject is on the table for us.”
Implementing the Skills of the Trivium
But CC members came to CC in part to learn to educate classically. How do we know that we are educating our children classically at home? Members report that TCW helps you discover just that!
TCW member Mary appreciated learning how to implement the skills of the Trivium in her homeschool.
Chelsea was excited to use names as she explored everyday things like stories and going for a walk with her children.
Lisa learned how the Five Common Topics could help her get through new or tough subjects with her children.
Alicia appreciated getting opportunities to practice these skills!
It is not uncommon for families to see a model of using these skills in community but still feel uncertain of how to implement them. TCW helps families successfully bring the skills of the Trivium home.
If you long to lead your family at home classically but worry that you don’t understand exactly what that means, are tempted to overcomplicate your family’s learning with a plethora of worksheets just to be sure you “get it all in,” or are worried that as your children age, you will lose the ability to do school together as a family.
The Classical Way Online Cohort is for you!
Catechesis Semester
Catechesis Semester draws on the common experience and language of the CLC and is an opportunity for CLC members and former members who have completed the Exordium Semester, Comparison Semester, and Assessment Semesters.
If you completed those first three semesters but are still uncertain how to take what you learned about form, the Canons of Rhetoric, and assessment and apply it to other subjects or strands you are leading at home and you wish you still had a mentor who could assess your assessments, the Catechesis Semester is for you!
Catechesis Semester gives you a place to practice taking inventory of a presentation using the 5 Canons of Rhetoric so that you know that your assessments are on track. Additionally, mentors give you assessments so that you can grow in your skills.
Assessing with Relationship
What more can Catechesis members who have been through the Assessment semester learn?
Laura learned that assessment is best given and received in a relationship.
Alison learned to spend time pruning her assessment for clarity and to offer a blessing to her students.
Jakki learned how to be more hospitable when choosing assessment questions.
Assessing Different Subjects and Forms
In the Catechesis Semester, members create assessment tools for other subjects and forms with their group. From this activity, Carrie learned how she could think through assignments in advance to offer good assessment questions to her students, and Crystal appreciated the opportunity to think about how we might assess many different types of assignments.
Once you have completed the Catechesis semester, you will have the tools to approach your next formative classical assessment with confidence so that you can help your students grow, no matter what assignment you are assessing.
A Hospitable Invitation to the Classical Learning Cohort
Whether you are new to homeschooling or have completed all three of the original semesters of the CLC, we have something new to offer you.
In keeping with the Classical Learning Cohort’s form, each Classical Way or Catechesis group is a small, safe place to learn with 1 Mentor and 6 Members. Members meet 6 times in the semester. Meetings are 2 hours long. Assignments are completed at home. Join us this semester and simplify your Classical Journey while you prepare for the road ahead.
Wherever you are in your educational journey, you are invited in! Come enjoy restful learning with us in the Classical Learning Cohort!