According to this homeschool mom, just about. Of course, there are some things that Classical Conversations can’t offer, like a P.E. credit for instance. But overall, the curriculum is certainly comprehensive enough for your child to gain an excellent classical education from a Christ-centered worldview. In this short interview, this homeschool mom points out that because Classical Conversations teaches children to love learning, it is enough.
Classical Conversations teaches students to love learning
If nothing else, this is why Classical Conversations is sufficient for your child. Even if, as this homeschool mom explains, your child only goes through one of the programs, say Foundations (for elementary-aged children 4+) or Challenge (designed for the high school years), they will still learn how to become life-long learners. Unfortunately, not all school systems are able to inspire the same love of learning.
Classical Conversations offers an education that is interactive and easily personalized, as well as offering tight-knit, supportive communities. Students tend to enjoy learning more in CC than in many other academic settings where learning is impersonal, general, and far too often, just plain boring.
We firmly believe that education doesn’t have to be a boring drudge—for your children and for you. Rather, it can be an opportunity for significant growth as children develop a love for learning about the world, an opportunity that should not be wasted!
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