Parent Practicum is a valuable resource for homeschooling parents seeking training, skills, and community. It’s also a time to grow and connect with other parents on this homeschool journey.
For years, Parent Practicum has provided me with practical strategies, a deeper understanding of classical education, and opportunities to engage with a supportive homeschool community. These equipping events are designed to inspire and prepare parents.
If you’re looking for ways to enhance your homeschooling experience, Parent Practicum offers resources and connections that can make a lasting impact. Here’s what I’ve learned from attending and why I believe it’s an essential experience for homeschool parents.
Why I Love Parent Practicum: A Journey of Growth and Community
Parent Practicum has been an integral part of my homeschooling journey. Seven years ago, as a relatively new homeschool mom, I attended my first Practicum. At the time, I had only been homeschooling through Classical Conversations for one year after trying to navigate it on my own. I wasn’t entirely sure why I needed to attend this event, but I went anyway, dutifully sitting in on the sessions.
Little did I know how transformative that experience would be.
My First Parent Practicum: A Humbling Start
During one of the sessions, Leigh Bortins flashed these words on the screen:
” When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
To my embarrassment, I didn’t immediately recognize it as the opening of the Declaration of Independence. That moment sparked a realization for me—I had so much more to learn.
As if that wasn’t humbling enough, we listened to Andrew Kern weave together William Butler Yeats’ The Second Coming and J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit in his lecture, The Contemplation of Nature. My heart leaped at the possibility of more: more understanding, more growth, more connection. The vision cast and the ideas sown by Leigh Bortins and Andrew Kern that year still excite and motivate me today.
Practicum: Equipping and Inspiring Homeschool Parents
Since that first year, I haven’t missed a single Practicum. In fact, some summers, I’ve attended more than one! Each Parent Practicum is free and offers something fresh and enlightening, even as it reinforces what I know to be true. It’s a space where I’ve been equipped with skills and ideas that have made me a more confident, peaceful, and educated homeschool parent.
Beyond the sessions, Practicum is a place to recharge after the school year. Whether it’s the warmth of conversations over coffee or brainstorming with friends at the pool later in the summer, these interactions nurture my heart and soul.
The Power of Community: We’re Stronger Together
Homeschooling can sometimes feel isolating. According to the latest U.S. Census, only 5% of families in the U.S. homeschool. That’s why community is so essential—and Practicum provides just that.
At Practicum, you’re surrounded by parents and grandparents who share your vision for education and who are willing to engage in meaningful discussion. We exchange stories of triumphs and trials, goals and dreams for our children. It’s a touchstone with the larger community of parents and grandparents who have bravely chosen to walk a different educational path than the mainstream.
We were made to live in community, and Practicum exemplifies the strength and encouragement that comes from being connected to others.
Looking Back: The Lasting Impact of Practicum
Years later, I am still reflecting on the deep ideas presented at my first Practicum. The lessons I’ve learned at each Practicum have shaped how I approach homeschooling, and the community I’ve found continues to sustain me.
As my oldest child approaches the halfway point of the Challenge program, I am grateful for how Practicum has prepared me for each step of this journey. I am still reaping the benefits of the investment I made each summer, and I am excited about what lies around the corner for my homeschool.
Conclusion: Join Us This Year at Parent Practicum
I can’t wait to see what this year’s Practicum will bring. Each year, I discover something new, and the excitement of this homeschooling journey is renewed.
Will you join me and thousands of other homeschooling parents across the nation this summer? Practicum is more than an event; it’s a touchstone, a source of encouragement, and a reminder of why we’ve chosen this path.
I wouldn’t miss it for the world—and I hope to see you there!
If you’re looking for a place to recharge, connect with parents, and grow in your homeschooling journey, Parent Practicum is the perfect opportunity. Whether you’re just starting or are a seasoned homeschooler, there’s something for everyone to learn and share.
Find a Practicum near you and take the first step toward transforming your homeschool experience!