To know God and to make Him known

2025-2026 Academic Year Pricing Structure

It’s time to prepare for the upcoming academic year! We’re excited to share the many benefits of CC membership—now with even more ways to save! Families who connect with a local Director to initiate enrollment in their community and pay membership fees by the following dates—the first Tuesday of each month—will receive these discounts at the CC Bookstore.

Early Membership Savings:

  • On or before April 1, 2025: $30 off
  • On or before May 6, 2025: $20 off
  • On or before June 3, 2025: $10 off

Discounts are automatically applied to your CC Connected account upon payment of the membership fee. Expires July 1, 2025. Limit one per family. Excludes IEW. Discounts may not apply to international families. For details, refer to your program application and the CC Bookstore.

Family taking a walk on trails

Plus, after payment of CC membership fees, you’ll have access to:

  • 15% off in the CC Bookstore for savings on CCMM materials and resources + FREE shipping on orders $50 or more
  • CC Connected online parent library for planning your next academic year, including our Transcripts tool that makes record-keeping simple
  • Discounts from over fifty trusted outside organizations and colleges
  • Week-by-week resources that align with your program’s curriculum, including the CC Lite mobile app
  • Digital versions of your program’s curriculum/guide, perfect for when you’re on the go

Classical Conversations membership and benefits are available for families who have fully paid all tuition and fees and are participating in the local CC community.

Thank You!

We look forward to serving you in 2025 and together pursuing the mission to know God and to make Him known!