All conceptualization of abstract ideas is an important ingredient in loving to learn.
Challenge III is conceptualization of abstract ideas.
Therefore, Challenge III is an important ingredient in loving to learn.
Whaaaaat? Could it be?
Under strict logical analysis, as studied in Advanced Logic, the above is a categorical syllogism. The placement of the middle term of the two premises (“conceptualization of abstract ideas”) identifies this as a first figure syllogism. The AAA mood is indicated by affirmative universal statements for the syllogism, resulting in a first figure AAA. This figure and mood result in a valid syllogism. Having established that this syllogism is a logical idea, we must now test its soundness (its truthfulness).
Well, is it true?
The premises must be tested for soundness. First, conceptualization is making determinations by analysis. To put it another way, it is formulating ideas in a way that makes something more definable. Abstract ideas are rather difficult to understand because they can be interpreted in more than one way. So to conceptualize abstract ideas involves a more concrete defining. Learning is the process by which knowledge is acquired and understood. We learn by instruction, skill, and experience. To gain more clarity about ideas is pleasurable in learning. It instills joy and love. Therefore, the major premise (“all conceptualization of abstract ideas is an important ingredient in loving to learn”) is sound.
Analyzing the seminar topics in Challenge III surely demonstrates a plethora of abstract ideas. We study and examine the ideas of philosophers, the nuances of poetry, and the vagaries of correct translation in foreign language. Throw in the wit of Shakespeare, the unraveling of events in American history for timeline placement, the theorizing involved in math and logic, and the mind-boggling configurations of chemical structures at the atomic level…and what are the results? Abstract ideas are analyzed! Therefore, Challenge III is conceptualization of abstract ideas. Our minor premise is sound.
As our major and minor premise are sound, it logically follows that our conclusion is sound. Therefore, Challenge III is an important ingredient in loving to learn, especially in my estimation. But do test out this syllogism for yourself; discover, and share the love of learning!
Happy Valentine’s Day!