For many homeschool parents, the thought of directing a Classical Conversations program can seem intimidating or scary. Why is that?
Maybe it’s the fear of not being qualified, somehow messing up other families’ children, or not being a “good enough” role model for the students. But while directing a program certainly means taking on responsibility, it can be a blessing to both parents and students of your community, as well as to yourself and your child. Indeed, many parents view directing as a ministry, leading the next generation of lifelong learners toward truth, goodness, and beauty.
Directing Creates Beautiful Opportunities
If you are considering directing in your local community or starting a new program in your area, be encouraged that there are beautiful opportunities in directing. In the video below, Becky Denham, a former Foundations Tutor and now Classical Conversations Support Representative, describes how directing is a great way to get to know your child better and to love and encourage other families in your community.
Challenge Directors: Have Deep Conversations With Your Student
Becky began her Classical Conversations journey as many community members do — at an Information Meeting. There, she and a group of other homeschooling parents decided to start a local community in their area, with Becky taking on the role of a Foundations Tutor.
As a leader in her community, Becky noticed that the Challenge Directors received a wonderful opportunity to lead the next generation of lifelong learners, especially those who had their own children in their programs.
As your child’s Challenge Director, you get the chance to interact with them and their peers on a level few parents get to experience. You can freely discuss topics families would otherwise not discuss at home and hear your student’s opinions and their reasoning behind those opinions. As Becky says in the video above, “They have so much to share.”
Foundations Tutors: Encourage New Homeschool Families
Looking back on her experience leading a Foundations community, Becky loved how she was able to come alongside new homeschool parents and encourage them to trust the classical method and rely on their community for support and accountability.
Amidst all the repetition and memorization, families enrolled in the Foundations program can easily lose sight of the long-term rewards of their efforts. During this time, these families need encouragement that the fruit of their labors will soon arrive.
As a community Director, you can provide that well-needed encouragement. You can remind families that the hard work put in at the Foundations level is worth every moment for the rewards that come when students enter the Essentials and Challenge programs and are able to tackle complex projects, assignments, and presentations using their knowledge gained in Foundations.
You Join a Community for a Reason
Seven years after that Information Meeting and becoming a Foundations Tutor, Becky became a Classical Conversations Support Representative. Now, it’s her job to support and equip community Directors to succeed.
Although directing a program can seem scary, you never have to go at it alone. We are with you every step of the journey, offering you support, guidance, equipping, training, and resources to lead the next generation of lifelong learners well. As Becky says, “There’s a community that you join for a reason, and you’re not just dropped off by yourself.”
To take the first steps in your Director journey, click here.