Growing up in the 90’s, homeschooling through high school was not as popular as it is today. One of the biggest detractors at the time was the unique challenge of college admissions. Recruiting faculty was unfamiliar with homeschooling in general and ill prepared to process home-educated students’ applications. As a result, additional paperwork and entrance exams were required. Fortunately, the number of schools with more stringent requirements for homeschoolers is dwindling. In fact, many colleges today actively seek to recruit homeschoolers and have even added web pages designed specifically to attract them.
I attribute this progress to the pioneers who raised their children to be outstanding life-long learners. Additionally, those who were homeschooled and became exceptional students in college are making an undeniably positive impact on the world. Ivy League schools have taken notice of a higher percentage of homeschooled applicants over the general population. Meanwhile, private and Christian colleges have always been more accommodating to home-educated students and continue to attract top-level talent.
Recently, a home school student turned down a full scholarship offer from several Ivy League schools in favor of a private Christian college. His decision was based on the belief that knowledge continues to be grounded in Truth. In his opinion, a school that does not hold his same principles and is without the Rock as its foundation is not worth attending. This is not to say anything negative about secular schools. I attended Clemson University, a public institution, and was very successful. My point is to illustrate that those who are homeschooled in high school have four more years to grow in beauty and wisdom. A student homeschooled through high school may make the difficult decision to attend a lesser-known college, in order to thrive in an environment that upholds the important principles that match their own.
Patrick Henry College is considered the “Harvard for Homeschoolers.” Homeschool students are achieving scholarships at a high rate. About 80% of homeschoolers who complete the Classical Conversations Challenge program receive merit-based scholarships. NHERI and HSLDA are excellent resources for more information.
At Classical Conversations, we believe that parents aren’t just the best teacher for their children when they are young, but they are the best teacher and role model for all ages. Additionally, we must remind ourselves that there is another step after the Trivium, called the Quadrivium. The Quadrivium prepares students for the pinnacle of educational studies—the pursuit of philosophy and theology. For this reason, Classical Conversations is hosting the “Toward the Quadrivium” series to strengthen the determination of homeschooling parents who are continuing the education of their students through high school. If we desire our children to be lifelong learners with the tools to stand up for God and stand on His Truth in a fallen world, we need to understand the Quadrivium. To find out more about this enlightening event and register, go to